We are looking for a Communication Specialist to help us grow in North America and the UK
Nia Cremene
All About Parenting
Patrick Ney
Lead Trainer
All About Parenting
Nia Cremene
All About Parenting

If you’re a Communication Specialist with solid knowledge of online marketing and proven experience, then this message is for you.

And if you’re not the person we are looking for… you could earn $1500 if you recommend the individual who becomes our collaborator! Read on to find out how.

Patrick Ney
Lead Trainer
All About Parenting

Here's what I'm going to talk about:

1) Our story and how All About Parenting has evolved over time
2) What kind of Communication Specialist we are looking for and how you will contribute to a new generation of parents
3) Who you will work with and why it’s great to be part of our team
And finally, if everything sounds good, how you can apply and the next steps to take.

1) Our Story and how All About Parenting has evolved over time

My name is Nia Cremene and my All About Parenting story began more than 12 years ago when I got my first international certification as a Parenting Expert.

Back then, it was a pioneering field and many people considered that there was no need to learn how to raise children better. Actually, we still have a lot of work to do on this perception.

In the same year my son was born – 2010 – I began giving seminars for 10-12 people, teaching parents how to solve day-to-day problems and raise independent children. The workshops were always two-day weekend events. I remember that I did the first workshop whilst I was still breastfeeding (during breaks).

I quickly realized that this was my mission and that parenting was going to become more than a job. I’d found my vocation. In a short space of time, my mission took shape: to reach as many parents as possible. I wanted to help them and give them valuable, effective information so they could have well-balanced relationships with their children and raise them to be responsible. That way, their world tomorrow will be better than ours today.

This is how the first parenting methodology based on the latest research into the motivational science emerged, along with the first online parenting course – it lasted 10 months, on the principle that, as it takes 9 months to bring a child into the world, it would make sense to spend at least the same amount of time learning how to raise them for a lifetime.

(Nia Cremene presenting one of our live events before Coronavirus)

In 4 years, I went from being a “lone wolf” to working with more than 30 absolutely wonderful people. Today, the All About Parenting team is approaching 70 people, includes 7 different nationalities and presents in 4 languages to our clients around the world. 

Together with the other All About Parenting trainers, we’ve met more than 500,000 parents in the last 4 years who have attended our seminars, which we offer for free both online and in person.

Urania Cremene
Autorka i współzałożycielka

Magdalena Boćko-Mysiorska
Główna trenerka (Polska)

Patrick Ney
Główny trener (UK)

Antonia Cherette
Trenerka (Ameryka Północna)

Ralu Ryan
Główna trenerka (Niemcy)

Sabina Defta
Główna trenerka (Rosja)

Maria Tolescu
Trenerka (Rumunia)

Irina Irgoveanu
Trenerka (Rumunia)

Ana-Maria Iancu
Trenerka (Rumunia)

Alina Salomie
Trenerka (Rumunia)

Justyna Klimek
Trenerka (Polska)

Katarzyna Krawczyk
Trenerka (Polska)

Aleksandra Wowra
Trenerka (Polska)

Edi Ladeira
Trener (Portugalia)

Marta Rodrigues
Trenerka (Portugalia)

Layal Abou Saad
Trenerka (Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie)

We now have over 600,000 parents reading emails from us every week or following us on Facebook, with another 30,000+ parents enrolled in the All About Parenting online program, determined to raise their children differently.

Initially, All About Parenting began in Romania, although from the start I’ve been in contact with researchers from a number of universities from around the world (today, there are over 40!). What looked like just a local project at the outset gathered steam, and it has gradually expanded to other countries around the world.

(Patrick Ney presenting one of our live events before Coronavirus)

This is due to the fact that the fundamentals of the All About Parenting program (such as Self-determination Theory) are universal and work regardless of language, culture, race, social class, etc. All About Parenting is not “one mum’s opinion”, like a lot of blogs on the subject, and doesn’t offer up “recipes” for you to follow. 

Instead, we “translate” into a simple language, which parents and children use every day, complex concepts, tried and tested, from the latest research in psychology.

In the last 2 years, we’ve translated, filmed and edited the All About Parenting program into English, Polish and Russian. In the next 2 years, we want to grow our team in German-, Spanish-, French- and Italian-speaking countries.

Here is an example of a video episode from the All About Parenting program in English.

What we want to achieve at All About Parenting in the next 10 years

It might look like we’ve come a long way, but what we have achieved so far is very little compared to what we want to do in the next 10 years.

Three years from now, we want to be operating in more than 30 countries. We realize that it’s a pretty crazy objective for a team as small as ours, but that just spurs us on even more.

Our vision is that, by inspiring a “critical mass” of parents around the world to choose to learn All About Parenting, they will then inspire other parents to do the same.

Unfortunately, schooling doesn’t prepare us for day-to-day life. We’ve ended up believing (as a society) that there is no need or it’s not normal to learn about how to raise a fulfilled child.

There’s nothing that impacts our lives as much as the parent-child relationship (a.k.a. parenting). This is why we’ve decided to make it our team’s mission.

We want to make learning about parenting a social norm. Our vision is that, one day, learning about the parent-child relationship (parenting) will be as normal as taking driving lessons before getting behind the wheel. And we are committed to making this a reality for more and more parents every day.

We don’t think it’s fair that you spend more time learning how to drive than you do learning how to raise a child.

We want to change this perception in the collective mentality.

And this is where we need your help.

2) What kind of Communication Specialist we’re looking for and how you’ll contribute to changing many generations of parents to come

We are looking for a Communication Specialist who naturally demonstrates the following behaviors:

Does not cut corners ethically. Earns trust and maintains confidence. Does what is right, not just what is expedient. Speaks plainly and truthfully. 

Organization and planning. 
Plans, organizes, schedules, and budgets in an efficient, productive manner. Focuses on key priorities. 

Moves quickly and takes a forceful stand without being overly abrasive. 

Follow-through on commitments. 
Lives up to verbal and written agreements, regardless of personal cost. 

Quick learning.
Demonstrates ability to quickly and proficiently understand and absorb new information. 

Analytical skills. 
Able to structure and process qualitative or quantitative data and draw insightful conclusions from it. Exhibits a probing mind and achieves penetrating insights. 

Attention to detail. 
Does not let important details slip through the cracks or derail a project. 

Demonstrates tenacity and willingness to go the distance to get something done.

Acts without being told.

Has a can-do attitude. Has enthusiasm for work and the capacity to inspire others.

The ideal candidate for Communication Specialist…

  • has experience in communicating events through online channels like Facebook and Instagram;
  • has directed video ads in the past, from scripting to filming and editing;
  • has coordinated PPC activity or done PPC directly with great results; 
  • has grown social media pages on Facebook and Instagram from scratch to at least 50.000 followers / likes;
  • has hired A Players in the past and coordinated a team (optional);
  • has worked with a PR Agency and Influencers before with proven results;
  • has come up with innovative ideas that helped the business they were in;
  • has worked with processes and procedures.

Here are the outcomes that we need you to achieve:

  • Launching new webinars and communicating them effectively; we prefer to call them “masterclass” because they are truly world-class events in our field
  • Coordinating the creation of new video ads as well as “text + image” ads (working with copywriter, video crew, video editor, designer, etc.)
  • Helping the PPC team to reach 500 to 1000 sign-ups per masterclass and grow this number constantly 
  • Raising the All About Parenting Facebook Page to 20k followers in 6 months or less
  • Raising the All About Parenting Instagram Page to 10k followers in 8 months or less
  • Hiring A Players in your team
  • Hiring an external PR Agency who can source Influencers for you within 12 months or less
  • Launching one new campaign with +10 influencers every 6 months (starting your second year or sooner)
  • Coming up with innovative & strategic ways to promote All About Parenting 
  • Testing new channels for PPC or for organic content

3) Who you will work with and why it is great to be part of our team

Your leader and the person you will work closely with is Ioana Ardelean. Ioana joined our team 6 years ago, coming from IBM, and she attended most of the filming sessions for the All About Parenting program and other smaller programs – so, she knows our content inside out.

She currently lives in Germany with her husband and has been working completely remotely for more than 3 years now. Ioana is in charge of everything related to Branding and Communication in our team. She is a creative person, with a sense of humor, and someone with whom you can talk openly.

So, if you do your job in a conscientious way, you will definitely get along well with Ioana and the whole team.

We work completely remotely and the working schedule is flexible, which means that you will have the opportunity to work from home (wherever you may be, that is), as long as you attend the daily huddle.

Every 3 months, we all meet to celebrate our latest success, to analyse what has happened during the last 90 days and to set our objectives for the following quarter, so that we can reach even more parents and help even more children.

Then, each team, including yours, holds a daily huddle to set their priorities and make sure things are going in the right direction.

Every quarter, we set up our Masterclass calendar for the following 3 months and the entire Communication activity aligns with this calendar.

The Masterclasses are the only fixed element in our set-up. As for everything else, everyone can organise their work as they please, as long as they meet their objectives and key results.

(Some of the team members at the quarterly online meeting, April 2021)

But we do not want to waste your time and our time, so let’s make sure that you understand what kind of person we are looking for.

We are looking for a Communication Specialist who has relevant experience.

So, do not apply if:

  • You don’t have experience in communicating events through online channels like Facebook and Instagram.
  • You haven’t created or directed video ads in the past, from scripting to filming and editing.
  • You haven’t coordinated PPC activity or you haven’t done PPC yourself directly, with great results. 
  • You haven’t grown social media pages on Facebook and Instagram from scratch to at least 50.000 followers / likes. 
  • You haven’t worked with a PR Agency and Influencers before with proven results.

And now, if you're still with me…

…and if you resonate with the things we talked about above, and you think “this is me” and you want to contribute to a new generation of parents who raise their children differently, here’s what to do to apply for this role:

Send a video to my colleague Ella at team@allaboutparenting.com in which you answer 3 questions. The video can be a selfie made with a phone or recorded on a computer – 10 minutes maximum.

1) What experience and skills do you have for the outcomes listed above?
2) What convinced you to apply for this role?
3) How did you find out about this role?

The more detailed the answers to the first 2 questions, the better.

What happens after you apply

All applications will receive a response, either yea or nay. If you get the thumbs up, we’ll ask you to book a 30-minute online interview.

If, after this interview, we consider that you are the right person for the job, then you’ll get to do some samples. 

If everything looks good, you’ll have the second round of interviews with Ioana Ardelean.

If we are OK there, too, we will definitely find a compensation solution that puts us on the same page and we can work together.

So, if you tick all of the boxes above, please do apply because I can’t wait to meet you!

P.S. Reward offered! 🙂

Recommend the right person for this role and you’ll get a reward for your help. If we get to collaborate with that person, you will receive a $1500 reward! No strings attached!

We’ve paid various amounts of money to recruiting agencies before – this is why we think it’s better for this money to go to someone who follows us in the parenting community.

So far, we’ve paid out more than 12 times and we hope to do it again soon!

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